In Unity Book of Photos

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In Motion Magazine's
Photo of the Week 59

During a prayer before the M Bar M Ranch rodeo, Santa Fe, Texas. Photo by Nic Paget-Clarke.
During a prayer before the M Bar M Ranch rodeo, Santa Fe, Texas. Photo by Nic Paget-Clarke.

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Photo Archive of 505 photos: click here.

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Photo of the Week #59


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Previous Photos of the Week:

Week #1 Week #2 Week #3 Week #4 Week #5 Week #6

Week #7 Week #8 Week #9 Week #10 Week #11 Week #12

Week #13 Week #14 Week #15 Week #16 Week #17 Week #18

Week #19 Week #20 Week #21 Week #22 Week #23 Week #24

Week #25 Week #26 Week #27 Week #28 Week #29 Week #30

Week #31 Week #32 Week #33 Week #34 Week #35 Week #36

Week #37 Week #38 Week #39 Week #40 Week #41 Week #42

Week #43 Week #44 Week #45 Week #46 Week #47 Week #48

Week #49 Week #50 Week #51 Week #52 Week #53 Week #54

Week #55 Week #56 Week #57 Week #58


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