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Mobility, Human Rights, and Economic Development

Quotes and References

by Maria Jiménez
Houston, Texas


  • ”The worldwide evidence shows...their zones of influence.” -- Saskia Sassen
  • ”emerald cities” or ”transition to prosperity” or ”scorched-earth strategy” -- C. Roe Goddard
  • ”The most fundamental...migration issue...Mexican nationals to the United States.” -- Susan Gzesh


Saskia Sassen. ”Immigrants in a Global Economy.” CROSSROADS, Immigration Today: Scapegoating Without Borders XXXVI: 3, November 1993. Page 8

Douglas S. Massey. ”March of Folly: U.S. Immigration Policy After NAFTA.” The American Prospect, XXXVII: 12, March/April, 1998. Page 22.

Cathi Tatacquin. ”An Update on International Networking: Global Migration Needs Global Solution.” Network News. Summer 1996, 5-6.

C. Roe Goddard et al. World Bank/IMF: 50 Years is Enough. (Boulder: International Political Economy: 1996).

”Rhetoric and Reality: The World Bank’s New Concern for the Poor.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Volume XXIX No. 6 May/June 1996, 15-43.

Arjun Makhijani. From Global Capitalism to Economic Justice .(New York and London: The Apex Press: 1992) 99.

Cathi Tatacquin. ”An International Perspective on Migration.” Poverty and Race. Volume 4, no 2 March-April 95. 1-6.

Wayne A. Cornelius et al. Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective.(Stanford, California: Stanford University Press: 1995) 3-38.

Darryl Holter et al. Beyond the Free Trade Debate: Labor’s Future in California and Mexico.(Los Angeles: University of California: 1993).

Bi-national Study: Migration between Mexico and the United States. US Commission on Immigration Reform & Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores de Mexico, November, 1997.

Harry Browne et al. For Richer, For Poorer: Shaping U. S.- Mexican Integration.(Albuquerque, New Mexico and London: Resource Center Press and Latin America Bureau: 1994)

Michael E. Fix and Jeffrey S. Passel. Immigrants and Immigration: Setting the Record Straight. (Washington, DC: The Urban Institute: 1994).

Robert Koulish et al. ”U.S. Immigration Authorities and Victims of human and Civil Rights Abuses: The Border Interaction Project Study of South Tucson, Arizona and South Texas.” Working Paper Series. (University of Arizona: Mexican American Studies & Research Center, 1994).

American Friends Service Committee Immigration Law Enforcement Monitoring Project. Sealing Our Borders: The Human Toll. 1992.

Amnesty International. United States of America: Human Rights Concerns in the Border Region with Mexico(New York: May 1998).

Elizabeth Ruddick. "Silencing Undocumented Workers: U.S. Agency Policies Undermine Labor Rights Standards.” National Lawyers Guild Immigration Newsletter. Volume 23 No. 3. June 1996.

Susan Gzech. Mexico-U. S. Advocates Network News. (Chicago: Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights.) Number 1- June 1998.

Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1993)

Karl Eschbach et al. ”Deaths at the Border.” Houston: University of Houston Center for Immigration Research, June 1997.

David P. Forsythe. Human Rights & World Politics (Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press: 1989).

Published in In Motion Magazine - July 12, 1999.