(To see large versions of photos click on any photo or here.)
The first United States Social Forum (USSF) took place from June 27-July 1 in Atlanta, Georgia. As reported by the National Planning Committee of the USSF, at least 12,000 registered for the Forum, and up to 15,000 participated. Over 1,000 organizations were represented. 2,000 four-hour volunteer shifts were filled. 1,000 plenaries, workshops and cultural events took place. Representatives came from every U.S. state as well as delegations from Guam, Puerto Rico and 64 other countries.
Amy Walker of the Deer Clan welcomes the USSF to the Land of the Cherokee. All photos by Nic Paget-Clarke. Click on any photo to see large versions. |
Tom Goldtooth, executive director of the Indigenous Environmental Network and a member of the USSF National Planning Committee introduces indigenous leaders from around the U.S. |
Rev. Joseph Lowery delivered the keynote address at the start of USSF opening march. Prior to the march, Rev. Lowery also led a re-dedication service at the King Memorial gravesite. |
Carolina Delgado of Jobs With Justice was one of the Spanish-language MC/interpreters at the rally before the downtown march. All USSF materials were in Spanish and English. Many events were in English, Spanish, and also interpreted into sign language. |
10,000 people, members and supporters of grassroots organizations and movements from all over the United States, marched through downtown Atlanta to open the Forum. |
Teresa Greene and Danielle Moore from Chicago. |

Alice Lovelace reads a poem at the Yes! Magazine reception. |
German Bedoya, Coordinador Nacional Agrario, a farmer from Colombia, during discussion on problems with bilateral Free Trade. |
Civil rights leader C.T. Vivian gave the opening keynote address to kick off the Social Forum.
Sin Moon-hee of the Korean Women Peasants Alliance, Korea, speaks against "Free Trade."
John Zippert of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives.
Theresa Davis recites a poem at Shrine of the Black Madonna Book Store.
Alberto Gomez, president of the Mexican farmers organization UNORCA.
Alice Lovelace, National Lead Staff Organizer, closed the Forum with a recital of her "Tomahawk Poem".
For more information, visit www.USSF2007.org
Published in In Motion Magazine September 26, 2007