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Index of articles on the War in Iraq and Afghanistan
The articles are listed in reverse chronological order
Speech Given on the 11th Anniversary
of the War in Afghanistan

Cathy Mendonça
Committee Against Police Brutality
San Diego, California
The Pentagon and the King Legacy
by William Loren Katz
New York, New York
Published in In Motion Magazine January 18, 2011
The Soils of War
The real agenda behind agricultural reconstruction in Afghanistan and Iraq
Barcelona, Spain

Published in In Motion Magazine March 23, 2009
Waterboarding and U.S. History
by William Loren Katz
New York, New York
Published in In Motion Magazine November 11, 2007
“Don’t Shop While The Bombs Drop!”
Re-thinking Movement Strategy
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Published in In Motion Magazine September 17, 2007
A Call To U.S. Generals To Honor Their Oath To Defend The Constitution
by Veterans for Peace and
Asian Pacific Islanders Resist

Published in In Motion Magazine July 17, 2007
NEMESIS: The Last Days of the American Republic
Excerpt: "For us, the choice is between
the Roman and British precedents."

Chalmers Johnson
Cardiff, California

Published in In Motion Magazine June 12, 2007
“Army Of None”
And The Strategy Of Non-Cooperation
Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine June 24, 2007
Judicial Complicity In U.S. War Crimes
Lt. Watada Case, A Day Of Reckoning For Our Courts
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

History Will Vindicate The Courage of Lt. Ehren Watada
Open Letter To General Charles Jacoby, Jr. at Fort Lewis
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Published in In Motion Magazine Aptril 8, 2007
The World Today / “… resist these attacks”
El Mundo Hoy /
“… resistir a estos envates”
Fernando Suarez del Solar
San Diego, California
The Trial of Agustin Aguayo
Eyewitness Account
El Juicio de Agustin Aguayo
by Fernando Suarez del Solar
Würzburg, Germany
Published in In Motion Magazine March 11, 2007
Interview with Chalmers Johnson
Discussing the books "The Sorrows of Empire" and "Blowback"
Part 1. An Empire of more than 725 military Bases
Part 2. From CIA Analyst to Best-Selling Scholar
Cardiff, California
Patriotism and Accountability:
The Role of Educators in the War On Terrorism
by Pedro Noguera and Robby Cohen
New York, New York
Published in In Motion Magazine October 15, 2006
When A Marine Speaks Truth To Power:
Why I Stand By My Interview With Sgt. Jimmy Massey
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

A Travesty Of Justice:
Stop The Court-Martial Of Lt. Watada
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Embedded Journalism At Its Worst:
(The Ron Harris Smear Campaign Against Marine Sgt. Jimmy Massey)
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

I've Had Enough of Haditha
Time to Shut Up and Support the Troops
by Aaron Sussman,
Middletown, Connecticut
Published in In Motion Magazine June 30, 2006
Iraq's New Patent Law:
A Declaration of War Against Farmers

by Focus on the Global South and GRAIN
Bangkok, Thailand & Barcelona, Spain

One Excellent Reason Not To Join The Military
You May Be Ordered To Kill Civilians
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Recruiting Center Shut Down:
“The Power Of The People Is Now”

by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

How GI Resistance Altered The Course Of History:
“Sir, No Sir,” A Timely Film,
Premiers Week of 4/3/2006
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Death By Lying:
"Military recruiters misled my son, and now he's dead."
Interview with Sue Neiderer
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

How Do We Honor Our Fallen Troops In A Wrongful War?
Cindy Sheehan’s Uplifting And Soulful Book
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Back From Iraq:
"I Killed Innocent People For Our Government"
Interview with Marine Sergeant Jimmy Massey
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Woman G.I. Takes Stand Against War:
Katherine Jashinski’s Courage To Resist

by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Beyond Elections: Dr. King’s Teachings On Strategy And Tactics
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine January 11, 2005
The Trial Of Pablo Paredes and
The Constitutional Case For Military Resistance
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

(cross-referenced from the Email, Opinions and Discussion section)
Partners in Crime:
U.S. Complicity in the War Crimes of Saddam
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Army Reservist Witnesses War Crimes:
New Revelations about Racism in the Military

by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

No Oil For Blood: A Post-War Boycott In The Making
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

The Role of Boycotts in the Fight for Peace
Notes on Post-Election Strategy
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Presidential War Is Unconstitutional
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

Father's Day In War
From Grief To Protest:
How Peace Loving Fathers Honor Their Fallen Sons
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

A Timely Book: “Target Iraq: What The News Media Didn't Tell You”
A review by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

U.S. War Crimes in Iraq: A Prima Facie Case
Respectfully submitted to the International Criminal Court
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

A Time to Break Silence:
U.S. complicity in Saddam's crimes against humanity
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California

How Bush Betrayed Our Troops
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Colin Powell:
A Hawk With Smooth Talons
by Paul Rockwell
President Bush’s Press Event in the Azores “Fantasy Island”
Rev. Jesse L. Jackson
Chicago, Illinois