Scroll over/double-tap-on images to read captions.

Francisca Rodriguez, a member of Anamuri (National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women) and a constituent member of La Vía Campesina, in her garden in Lampa, Santiago, Chile. Photo by Nic Paget-Clarke.

Interview with Francisca Rodriguez

of ANAMURI and La Via Campesina
Making Visible the Work and Participation of Women
Part 1  English / español
Part 2  English / español
Santiago, Chile

Patrick Manning is, “a professor of world history at the University of Pittsburgh, Emeritus

Interview with Patrick Manning

Professor of World History at the University of Pittsburgh, Emeritus
“The Evolution of the Human System: Language, Migration, Social Institutions, and Outpouring of Public Sentiment”
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Got Imported Meat? Farmers and Consumers Demand the Right to Know by Rhonda Perry

The importance of COOL (Country of Origin Labeling) cannot be overstated. In a marketplace without labeling, multinational corporations maintain leverage over prices, …

Beef Industry Meatpackers Using Smoke and Mirror Tricks to Control Market Price by Darvin Bentlage

Barton County, Missouri.
These same meatpackers also successfully lobbied to abolish mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) for meat. … (read more)

The 2023 Farm Bill Needs to Benefit Missourians Who Grow Our Food, Not Corporations

By Darvin Bentlage,
Barton County, Missouri.
Keep food prices fair for farmers and consumers … (read more)

Merger of Sanderson Farms and Cargill Is a Bad Deal for Farmers and Consumers

By Tim Gibbons
Missouri Rural Crisis Center.
Why conspire with your competitors when you can just merge? … (read more)

Missourians Need to Make Their Voices Heard About the Future of the Farm and Food System

"Solving climate change is the existential challenge of our generation and a family-farm centered system, with more farmers on the land raising animals on pasture is best suited to revitalize rural communities, produce a healthy and sustainable food supply and respond...
Lessons From My Cancer Journey
“I was unprepared for being sick, and I refused to embrace my new identity as a cancer patient.”
Pedro Noguera, PhD
Dean, Rossier School of Education
Distinguished Professor of Education
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA

Interview with Timothy Brook

The Westphalia Paradigm:
Before And After It Arrived in East Asia
Part 1: To Dismantle Empires: Not a Completely Successful Experiment
Part 2: The Mongols Blew Open the Original World
Part 3: How the Meaning of Sovereignty Has Changed
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Interview with Ibrahima Coulibaly of Mali’s CNOP
National Coordination of Peasant Organizations
To Gain Control of the Social Basis of the Economy
Matola, Mozambique

Interview with Alejandro Nadal
The Key Organizing Principle of Society:
Macroeconomics – Markets or Sustainability

Part 1  The Myth of the Invisible Hand
Part 2  The Day That Capitalism Changed Forever
Mexico City, Mexico

Interview with David Ciepley
Government by Corporation:
The Mythology of the Stockholder as the Owner
Part 1  The Corporation as a Governance Technology
Part 2  The Business Corporation
Part 3  The Governance of Collective Power
Uppsala, Sweden

An Interview with Kate Fletcher
The Lives of the Users of Clothes
Santiago, Chile

An Interview with Jadwiga Lopata and Sir Julian Rose
Of the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside
The Small and Middle Family Farm:
A Base for Poland to be Independent,
and a Base for Good Quality Food
Stryszów, Poland

Interview with Gregory Cajete
Science From A Native Perspective:
How Do We Educate for A Sustainable Future
Albuquerque and the Turquoise Trail, New Mexico, USA

Interview with Iain MacKinnon
The Cultural Norms of Crofting:
The Recovery of the Story and Voices of the Economy,
the Understanding, and the Life of a People

To Gain Control of the Social Basis of the Economy
Edinburgh, Scotland

Supply chain. Port of Long Beach, California, USA, 2017.
Photo by Nic Paget-Clarke.

See more photos.

Scroll over/double-tap-on images to read captions.

Francisca Rodriguez, a member of Anamuri (National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women) and a constituent member of La Vía Campesina, in her garden in Lampa, Santiago, Chile. Photo by Nic Paget-Clarke.

An Interview with Francisca Rodriguez

An Interview with Francisca Rodriguez
of ANAMURI and La Via Campesina
Making Visible the Work and Participation of Women
Part 1  English / español
Part 2  English / español
Santiago, Chile

Patrick Manning is, “a professor of world history at the University of Pittsburgh, Emeritus

Interview with Patrick Manning

Professor of World History at the University of Pittsburgh, Emeritus
The Evolution of the Human System: Language, Migration, Social Institutions, and Outpouring of Public Sentiment
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Got Imported Meat? Farmers and Consumers Demand the Right to Know by Rhonda Perry

The importance of COOL (Country of Origin Labeling) cannot be overstated. In a marketplace without labeling, multinational corporations maintain leverage over prices, …

Beef Industry Meatpackers Using Smoke and Mirror Tricks to Control Market Price by Darvin Bentlage

Barton County, Missouri.
These same meatpackers also successfully lobbied to abolish mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) for meat. … (read more)

The 2023 Farm Bill Needs to Benefit Missourians Who Grow Our Food, Not Corporations

By Darvin Bentlage,
Barton County, Missouri.
Keep food prices fair for farmers and consumers … (read more)

Merger of Sanderson Farms and Cargill Is a Bad Deal for Farmers and Consumers

By Tim Gibbons
Missouri Rural Crisis Center.
Why conspire with your competitors when you can just merge? … (read more)

Missourians Need to Make Their Voices Heard About the Future of the Farm and Food System

"Solving climate change is the existential challenge of our generation and a family-farm centered system, with more farmers on the land raising animals on pasture is best suited to revitalize rural communities, produce a healthy and sustainable food supply and respond...
Lessons From My Cancer Journey
“I was unprepared for being sick, and I refused to embrace my new identity as a cancer patient.”
Pedro Noguera, PhD
Dean, Rossier School of Education
Distinguished Professor of Education
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA

Interview with Timothy Brook

The Westphalia Paradigm:
Before And After It Arrived in East Asia
Part 1: To Dismantle Empires: Not a Completely Successful Experiment
Part 2: The Mongols Blew Open the Original World
Part 3: How the Meaning of Sovereignty Has Changed
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Interview with Ibrahima Coulibaly of Mali’s CNOP
National Coordination of Peasant Organizations
To Gain Control of the Social Basis of the Economy
Matola, Mozambique

Interview with Alejandro Nadal
The Key Organizing Principle of Society:
Macroeconomics – Markets or Sustainability

Part 1  The Myth of the Invisible Hand
Part 2  The Day That Capitalism Changed Forever
Mexico City, Mexico

Interview with David Ciepley
Government by Corporation:
The Mythology of the Stockholder as the Owner
Part 1  The Corporation as a Governance Technology
Part 2  The Business Corporation
Part 3  The Governance of Collective Power
Uppsala, Sweden

An Interview with Kate Fletcher
The Lives of the Users of Clothes
Santiago, Chile

An Interview with Jadwiga Lopata and Sir Julian Rose

Of the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside
The Small and Middle Family Farm:
A Base for Poland to be Independent,
and a Base for Good Quality Food
Stryszów, Poland

Interview with Gregory Cajete
Science From A Native Perspective:
How Do We Educate for A Sustainable Future
Albuquerque and the Turquoise Trail, New Mexico, USA

Interview with Iain MacKinnon
The Cultural Norms of Crofting:
The Recovery of the Story and Voices of the Economy,
the Understanding, and the Life of a People

To Gain Control of the Social Basis of the Economy
Edinburgh, Scotland

Supply chain.
Port of Long Beach, California, USA, 2017.
Photo by Nic Paget-Clarke.

See more photos.