Measure D
Berkeley vs Big Soda Wins Historic Victory
by Bruce Akizuki
Berkeley, California
Awa Odori Festival
by Bruce Takeo Akizuki
Tokushima, Japan
Asian American Creative Music in the 1990s
by Bruce Takeo Akizuki
Oakland, California
The Untold Chinatown
(A Photo Essay)
by Bruce Takeo Akizuki
Oakland, California
You May Face Discrimination
A Chapter From
10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military
by Aimee Allison
Antioch, California
Kochi Revealed -(A Photo Essay)
Bruce Takeo Akizuki
Kochi, Japan & San Francisco, California
The Real Immigration Debate
Tackle Economic Security, Not Simply Border Security
by Francis Calpotura
Oakland, California
An interview with musician Chris Gonzalez Clarke
Part 1 - Chicano Groove
Part 2 - Son del Barrio
Santa Clara, California
National Environmental Trust Welcomes Mattel’s
Commitment to Replace Phthalate-Containing Material in Toys
by Nora Cody
Oakland, California
New Zeneca Ad Campaign Misleading to Women
Women concerned about breast cancer are being bombarded
with a massive advertising campaign for the drug tamoxifen
by Nora Cody
Oakland, California
First Evidence of 3rd Generation Effects from DES
"Landmark study confirms the need for better screening
and testing of the 86,000 synthetic chemicals in use today."
Nora Cody,
Oakland, California
"My Year of Meats" by Ruth L. Ozeki
A book review by Nora Cody
Oakland, California
Doctor claims new drug (Evista) poses risk for ovarian cancer
Nora Cody, Oakland, California
Household Pesticides and Risk of Pediatric Brain Tumor
Nora Cody,
Oakland, California
DES given to young "too tall" girls
in appalling medical experiment
Nora Cody,
Oakland, California
Environmental Estrogen - Global Problem
A model for study of exposure to pollutants around the world
by Pat Cody
Berkeley, California
Ohio Decision Against DES Daughters
An update on the ongoing efforts for compensation
from drug companies who produced DES
by Pat Cody
Berkeley, California
"The Breast Cancer Prevention Program"
by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
Book Review by Pat Cody, Berkeley, California
Our Stolen Future - A Book Review
Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?
A Scientific Detective Story
Pat Cody
Berkeley, California
In Search of Community
Photography by Community Images:
Angelica Cabande -- Barangay
Tiffany Eng -- Searching for Expression
Pauline Liang -- Chinese Playground
Rebecca Peng -- In China
Al Sugano -- Untitled
Judith Williams Sandoval -- Dance Against Violence
San Francisco, California
(... on homeland security)
by Joanne Cosenza
San Francisco, California
Moving Forward: The Challenge for People with Disabilities
Joanne Cosenza
San Francisco, California
Everybody Running, Saying Jesus
by Jenny D'Angelo
Santa Cruz, California
Generative Music - A Talk by Brian Eno
at the Imagination Conference
San Francisco, California
This Just In
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Published in In Motion Magazine July 21, 2008
Struggling With Class
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Published in In Motion Magazine April 20, 2008
One in A Hundred & Twenty in a Hundred
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Three Decades of African Popular Theater
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
The Law of Unintended Consequences
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Cultural Responses To Social Conditions
from "New Creative Community"
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Schoolhouse to Jailhouse
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Varieties of Otherness
(of the niqab or Hasidic gear or baggy jeans)
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Another !@#*& Learning Opportunity
(The Center for Arts and Culture Folds)
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Cultural Complexity
"The privileged who are driving globalization see only themselves ..."
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Making The World Safe for Hollywood
(U.S. votes against Convention on the Protection and Promotion
of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions)
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Speak and Doublespeak
(about public cultural funding)
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Culture Wars, Round Two
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
When Will We Ever Learn?
(About the Arts, the Rand Corporation, and PBS)
by Arlene Goldbard
Richmond, California
Interview with Tom Goldtooth (2011)
of the Indigenous Environmental Network
"We Cannot Continue To Live Like This"
San Rafael, California
Published in In Motion Magazine January 16, 2012
San Francisco Art Gallery Attacked
for Displaying Political Art
And the poem "Defiant"
by Jack Hirschman
San Francisco, California
Save the Dream - Speech to the March on Sacramento
"Affirmative action is a majority issue that benefits everybody."
by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
Sacramento, California
A Conversation with Jon Jang and Francis Wong
10th Anniversary of Asian Improv
San Francisco, California
Affirmative Action for White Men?
by Paul Kivel
Oakland, California
Young White Men:
Scared, Entitled, and Cynical - a Deadly Combination
by Paul Kivel
Oakland, California
Affirmative Action, Immigration & Welfare:
Confronting Racism in 1998
How white people can work for racial justice
by Paul Kivel
Oakland, California
Affirmative Action Works!
"Taking action to end racism is the challenge and responsibility
of every single person in our society"
Paul Kivel,
Oakland, California
UC Affirmative Action Policies Come to a Close
by Kris Kohler, UCSA Chair,
Sacramento, California
Leverage Lost
The Nonprofit Arts in the Post Ford Era
A study of the funding of the arts in the U.S.
John Kriedler
San Francisco, California
The University of California: The End of Affirmative Action
-- the Beginning of Privatization?
Interview with Kimi Lee, former Executive Director of
University of California Student Association,
Oakland, California
Stakes is high ... a call to action
by Stacy Hae Lim Lee,
Los Angeles, California
Spike Lee -- Independent Filmmaker
at the Imagination Conference
San Francisco, California
Finding the Power To Do What Is In Your Heart
from Unfinished Business
by Nabila Lester
Berkeley, California
Eyes to Image
A Photo Essay
"My life, my Chinatown and our lives, our Chinatown ..."
Pauline Liang
San Francisco, California
A Crisis in Inner City Education
Text of Speech for “A Crisis in Inner City Education”,
sponsored by John F. Kennedy University
by Frank Marrero
Pleasant Hill, California
Strategies for Cultural Enfranchisement
Edsel Matthews
Oakland, Califonia
Over-Raided, Under Siege
U.S. Immigration Laws and Enforcement Destroy the Rights of Immigrants
Oakland, California
Unfinished Business:
Closing The Achievement Gap At Berkeley High School
by Pedro A. Noguera and Jean Yonemura Wing
Berkeley, California
Listen First:
How Student Perspectives on Violence
Can Be Used to Create Safer Schools
Pedro A. Noguera
Berkeley. California
Transforming Urban Schools Through Investments in Social Capital
Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D.
Berkeley, California
Confronting the Challenge of Diversity in Education
How we respond to the increase in diversity in America
will be a challenge for many schools and communities,
but it need not be a problem
Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D.
Berkeley, California
Toward the Development of School and University Partnerships
Based Upon Mutual Benefit and Respect
Pedro Noguera,
Berkeley, California
Confronting the Challenge of Privatization in Public Education
Pedro Noguera,
Berkeley, California
Achieving Success Through Shared Accountability in Urban Schools
San Francisco: Improvements are rooted in local initiative and leadership
by Pedro Noguera
Berkeley, California
Preventing Violence in Schools Through the Production of Docile Bodies
Pedro Noguera, Ph.D.
Berkeley, California
Violence Prevention and the Latino Population:
An Analysis of Patterns and Trends
and Prescriptions for Effective Intervention
Pedro Antonio Noguera, Ph.D.
Berkeley, California
Reducing and Preventing Youth Violence:
An Analysis of Causes and an Assessment of Successful Programs
Pedro Noguera
Berkeley, California
A Popular Movement for Social Justice
Defending Affirmative Action
Pedro Noguera
Berkeley, California
Coming to Terms with Violence in Our Schools
Pedro Noguera
Berkeley, California
Two Poems
(movement poem)
by Maria Poblet
San Francisco, California
Ella Baker Legacy Energizes Movement for Black Lives
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine February 21, 2019
Deep Ecology and the Implications of the Pope’s Encyclical
A Sermon by Paul Rockwell,
Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists,
Berkeley, California
Published in In Motion Magazine August 16, 2015
Green Thumbs, Green Minds In Oakland
"... the transformation that takes place in a garden"
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine December 3, 2014
Urban Agriculture Gets Boost in Oakland
“It’s about empowerment and self-reliance,
communities growing their own food”
Victory for Urban Farms and Gardens
at the Oakland City Council
Two articles by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
The Joy of Float Tube Fishing With Kids
"The float tube is a practical, affordable way
to bring nature into the lives of urban youth"
by Paul Rockwell
Lake Del Valle,
East Bay Regional Parks, California
Published in In Motion Magazine August 19, 2013
The Kaiser Re-run Election Should Not Be Rushed
Why A "Cleansing Period" is Needed
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine August 27, 2011
Kaiser and SEIU Flouted NLRB Rules:
An Appeal to Overturn the Kaiser Election
by Steve Early, Ellen David Friedman,
Paul Rockwell, Cal Winslow
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine April 6, 2011
The Labor Trial Of The Decade:
The NUHW Case for Overturning the Kaiser Election
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
SEIU: The Trojan Horse Inside the Labor Movement (A book review)
The Civil Wars In U.S. Labor:
Birth of a New Workers’ Movement or Death Throes of the Old?
A book by Steve Early
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine - March 5, 2011
Green Jobs For The Poor: Obama's New Deal Moment
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
McCain’s Deregulated Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
When Clinton Promoted Outsourcing
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Clinton's Vote Against A Ban On Cluster Bombs
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Never Mind the Voters, Here's the Superdelegates
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Clinton's Duplicity on Michigan, Florida Delegates
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
“Don’t Shop While The Bombs Drop!”
Re-thinking Movement Strategy
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
“Army Of None" And The Strategy Of Non-Cooperation
Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
History Will Vindicate The Courage of Lt. Ehren Watada
Open Letter To General Charles Jacoby, Jr. at Fort Lewis
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Judicial Complicity In U.S. War Crimes
Lt. Watada Case, A Day Of Reckoning For Our Courts
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
A Travesty Of Justice:
Stop The Court-Martial Of Lt. Watada
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
One Excellent Reason Not To Join The Military
You May Be Ordered To Kill Civilians
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
How GI Resistance Altered The Course Of History:
“Sir, No Sir,” A Timely Film,
Premiers Week of 4/3/2006
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
When A Marine Speaks Truth To Power:
Why I Stand By My Interview With Sgt. Jimmy Massey
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Embedded Journalism At Its Worst:
(The Ron Harris Smear Campaign Against Marine Sgt. Jimmy Massey)
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
How Do We Honor Our Fallen Troops In A Wrongful War?
Cindy Sheehan’s Uplifting And Soulful Book
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Woman G.I. Takes Stand Against War:
Katherine Jashinski’s Courage To Resist
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Recruiting Center Shut Down: “The Power Of The People Is Now”
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
The Trial Of Pablo Paredes and
The Constitutional Case For Military Resistance
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
U.S. War Crimes And The Legal Case For Military Resistance
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Army Reservist Witnesses War Crimes:
New Revelations about Racism in the Military
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
The Role of Boycotts in the Fight for Peace
Notes on Post-Election Strategy
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Democrats Right-Wing Follies
Democrats could take a lesson from history:
When they lean right, they lose
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Death By Lying:
"Military recruiters misled my son, and now he's dead"
Interview with Sue Neiderer
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
U.S. War Crimes in Iraq: A Prima Facie Case
Respectfully submitted to the International Criminal Court
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Partners in Crime:
U.S. Complicity in the War Crimes of Saddam
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
A Time to Break Silence:
U.S. complicity in Saddam's crimes against humanity
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
When Will We Ever Learn?
Dr. King’s Forgotten Speech on Peace
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Why Jet Skis Kill
Reckless Endangerment on the Water
by Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Ward Connerly perverts the teachings of Dr. King
Paul Rockwell,
Oakland, California
Affirmative Action Raises Standards
An Address on Excellence through Diversity
Paul Rockwell,
Oakland, California
The Forgotten Teachings of Martin Luther King
Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Dr. King Was Not a "Dreamer"
Paul Rockwell
Oakland, California
Pots and Pans in the William Reed Corridor
(Learning the joy of working in the community)
by Federico Salas
San Jose, California
Interview with Octavia Butler
"... one of the few African American women writing
in the male-dominated science fiction genre"
by Joshunda Sanders
Oakland, California
Philanthropy in the 21st Century Undermining Labor Unions
by Seth Sandronsky
Sacramento, California
Sowing the Seeds of a Culturally Diverse Community
Mat Schwarzman
Oakland, California
California Civil Wrongs Initiative
(including the text of the CCRI)
Students for Social Justice,
Sacramento, California
The Men Behind the Madness
Students for Social Justice,
Sacramento, California
Faces and Places
Part 1: Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi
Photography by Leon Sun
San Francisco, California
Published in In Motion Magazine August 12, 2007
Four Serigraph Posters
Malcolm, Palestine, El Salvador, New World Order
Leon Sun
San Francisco, California
Two Days and A Lifetime in Shanghai
Personal Recollections and a Photo Essay
Leon Sun
Shanghai, China & San Francisco, California
Looking Out
A Collection of Photographs and Poems
by Leon Sun,
San Francisco, California
University of California students campaign to win back affirmative action
Interview with Fabiola Tafolla
Oakland, California
Power or Prison
by Judith Tannenbaum
San Francisco, California
Published in In Motion Magazine April 4, 2007
Two African American brothers express themselves
through graphic illustrations
Phillip and Peter Temple
Vallejo, California
No Mo ' Barrio Blues
by Piri Thomas
El Cerrito, California
Interview with Piri Thomas
Parts 1 & 2:
The Inspiration to Write "Down These Mean Streets"
Part 3
Of Prisons, Wordsongs, Self-determination and Laughter
Berkeley, California
Puerto Rico: 500 Years of Oppression
by Piri Thomas and Susie Dodds
Berkeley, California
Born Anew at Each A.M.
by Piri Thomas
Berkeley, California
Seventeen Years and Counting
A history of the indefinite detention of Cuban immigrants
Sarah Town
San Francisco, California
California's education: flunking out
University of California Student Association
Oakland, California
Students React Statewide to Prop. 209 Passage
Building Occupations, Demonstrations
University of California Student Association
Sacramento, California -- with student statements from
Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara and Riverside
Unfinished Business:
Closing The Achievement Gap At Berkeley High School
by Pedro A. Noguera and Jean Yonemura Wing
Berkeley, California
Autumn Moon
Poem and illustration by
Ken Inugai-Yamada
Berkeley, California
Our Rage is a Fire Burning Into the Soul of America
by Eddie Wong
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine April 7, 2020
Trump’s China Bashing Poses A Danger and Dilemma
by Eddie Wong
Oakland, California
Published in In Motion Magazine July 25, 2020