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In Motion Magazine Index by Region

The Pandemic and the Protests Make It Clear: Schools Cannot Ignore the Nation’s Unwavering Anti-Blackness...And Their Own
by Julio Angel Alicea

Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine November 21, 2020

(Pa' Ixel) - ink, urakán, convencído
Three poems
by Alurista
San Diego, California

do u dare
by Alurista
San Diego, California

u burciaga t
Poem in memory of Jose Antonio Burciaga
by Alurista
San Diego, California

por Alurista
San Diego, California

Statement on the DREAM Act
by the Association of Raza Educators
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine August 22, 2007

Yareli Arizmendi
... a woman of the theater, a woman of film
Interview by Fred Salas
San Diego, California

An Interview with film director Carlos Avila

" ... take those ideals, to process them, put them into stories"
Interview by Fred Salas
Los Angeles, California

Marching Against Monsanto and the Corporate Oligarchy
by James Bartoli
San Diego, California
Published in In Motion Magazine June 3, 2013

What Is The Growing Discussion About Food?
by James Bartoli
San Diego, California

"Memories Come To Us In the Rain and the Wind"
Oral Histories and Photographs of Navajo Uranium Miners
& Their Families (Extracts)
Navajo Nation
Arizona and New Mexico

Navajo Uranium Miners Fight for Compensation
Timothy Benally Sr.
Shiprock, Navajo Nation,
New Mexico

Interview with Gregory Cajete, Ph.D.
Science From A Native Perspective:
How Do We Educate for A Sustainable Future
Albuquerque and the Turquoise Trail, New Mexico
Published in In Motion Magazine March 14, 2016

My Name Is Raul Carranza.
And I Am The 99%.

by Raul Carranza
San Diego, California

Maverick Artist
Conversations with Theater Artist, Marty Pottenger
by Eloise de Leon
San Diego, California

Interview with Jorge Cervera, Jr.
"Thirty million people cannot go on forever without being represented"
by Fred Salas
San Diego, California

My Road to Anicca Acres
"... my desire to connect with the world in a healing way melded with the idea of food justice"
by Benjamin Cossel
San Diego, California
Published in In Motion Magazine December 6, 2015

Interview with Moctesuma Esparza
From the L.A. High School Walkouts to
"Selena" and "The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca"
by Victor Payan
Los Angeles / San Diego, California

The Internet: Handwashing of the Future?
Interview with Susan Estrada
Carlsbad, California

Cash, Connerly and the Travesty of UC Admissions Criteria
Robert Fikes, Jr.
San Diego, California

Interview with Gabriel Figueroa Flores Jr.
Gabriel Figueroa is considered the fourth
of the three top Mexican muralists
by Fred Salas
San Diego, California

Crisis of Finance Capital: Behind and Beyond Derivatives
A Comment on the Interview with Frank Partnoy
"Deregulation, Derivatives, and Moral Hazard"
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine January 7, 2014

Chicano Artists and Zapatistas Walk Together Asking, Listening, Learning:
Part 2: Findings -- Centrifugal Motivation
The Role of Transnational Informal Learning Networks
In the Creation of A Better World

by Roberto Gonzaléz Flores
Los Angeles, California

Chicano Artists and Zapatistas Walk Together Asking, Listening, Learning:
The Role of Transnational Informal Learning Networks In the Creation of A Better World
Part 1
by Roberto Gonzaléz Flores
Los Angeles, California

Why Should We Be Part
of the Cucapa Encampment?
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Aztlán Hoy
19 Consideraciones a Seis Preguntas
(de La Otra Campaña)
por one Chicano, un mexicano y una argentina/chicana
por Roberto Flores, Sirena Pellarolo, and Cesar Soriano
Los Angeles, California

Learning That Many Alternative Possibilities Exist
(With or Without the Intermediary Organization)
Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

13 de Junio: El Desalojo
Un Acto Contra La Humanidad
por Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Remembering August 29th Moratorium:
What is Self-Determination?
by Beto Flores
El Sereno, California

Walking Together: Chican@ Artists and the Zapatistas
The Story of the Encuentro Chican@-Zapatista
by Roberto Flores
El Sereno, California

Three Songs About Global Networking
Autonomous Community Building
As Pedagogy for Participatory Liberation
A Comparative Analysis of Chiapas and East Los Angeles
Roberto Flores
San Diego, California

From U.S. Centered Multiculturalism To
Global Intercultural Educational Equality:
The Role of Reforms and Autonomy
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

From Disillusionment and Abandonment to Autonomy:
Zapatista Bilingual Indigenous Education in Chiapas, Mexico
A Case Study in Alternative Meanings of “Development”
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Lo que’l Vagabundo Significa Para Mi /
What The Vagabond Means to Me

Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

From Mapping Environmental Racism to Mapping Self-determination:
A Road Map to Community Autonomy?
by Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Community Autonomy:
The El Sereno community in Northeast Los Angeles
Aiming to rebuild society from the bottom up
Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Breaking the Ideological Hold:
Zapatista Response to Mexico's Bilingual Program in Chiapas
The Zapatista response to globalization
Roberto Flores
Los Angeles, California

Autonomy: Empowerment for Profound Structural Change
Lessons from the Zapatista autonomy process
by Roberto Flores,
Los Angeles, California

Men in La Familia
Family Ritual
Photography and Text
by Javier "Heavy" Francisco
Edited by Therese Cervas
San Diego, California

Women in La Familia
Family Ritual
Photography and Text
by Javier "Heavy" Francisco
San Diego, California

Interview with Vicky Funari
Director of Paulina discusses independent filmmaking
and the impact of the film on its creators and its audience
Fred Salas
San Diego, California

Cine '98 - A Step Toward Cine Revolución
The San Diego/Baja California Latino Film Festival
by Omar Gonzalez
San Diego, California

Supreme Court Should Consider Lessons from California
in Review of Affirmative Action in University Admissions
by Andrea Guerrero
San Diego, California

Students Launch Campaign to Restore Affirmative Action in California
Interview with Andrea Guerrero
San Diego, California

What Is A People’s Assembly?
by Carlos Huerta
San Ysidro, California
Published in In Motion Magazine - January 29, 2013

Occupy and May Day: Moving Forward As A Global Collective
San Diego Celebrates May Day With A Broad Coalition
by Carlos Huerta
San Diego, California
Published in In Motion Magazine - May 9, 2012

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Do We Want to Create This Monster?
by Christina Imhoof, Vera Moldt, Eleanora Robbins, and Kristen Smith
Position Paper by Women Occupy San Diego
San Diego, California
Published in In Motion Magazine August 14, 2013

2 Poems by Immani B.
Remnants of the Trade /
Sweet Black - A Poem for Apryl
San Diego, California

Interview with Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
Affirmative Action, Wall St., and the International Monetary Fund
San Diego, California

An interview with composers Jon Jang and James Newton
On the creation of "When Sorrow Turns to Joy"
Interview by Nic Paget-Clarke
Los Angeles, California

Interview with Wahleah Johns and Lilian Hill
of Black Mesa Water Coalition
“We don’t have to be the battery for America” /
Sustainable Development: It’s Old But It’s New
Kykotsmovi, Hopi Nation

NEMESIS: The Last Days of the American Republic
Excerpt: "For us, the choice is between
the Roman and British precedents."

Chalmers Johnson
Cardiff, California

Published in In Motion Magazine June 12, 2007

The Military-Industrial Man
How Local Politics Works in America
or a "Duke" in Every District
by Chalmers Johnson

Interview with Chalmers Johnson
Discussing the books
"The Sorrows of Empire" and "Blowback"
Part 1. An Empire of more than 725 military Bases
Part 2. From CIA Analyst to Best-Selling Scholar
Cardiff, California

Highlights from the University of Michigan Cases
– Views on Affirmative Action –
by V.I. King
Glendale, California

The People of Samoa
Samoa Koria
San Diego, California

la otra campaña / el otro lado: magic, migrations, machetes
(About the visit of Subcomandante Marcos to Tijuana)
by kualyque
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Published in In Motion Magazine October 24, 2006

Community Building Workshop
by Eloise de Leon
San Diego, California

Immigrant Families in Crisis:
A Close-up View of the Violence Against Women Act

by Eloise de Leon
San Diego, California

An interview with Thich Nhat Hanh
Community-Based Art and
the Practice of Compassion and Mindfulness

Eloise de Leon

Escondido, California

Dreams, Themes and Schemes
The Struggle Over The True Legacy Of Martin King
Part 1
| Part 2
by Boyd Lewis
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine September 1, 2011

The Arts in Alternative Education
Alice Lovelace
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Part 1 - Introduction / What is Identity?
Part 2 - Who Ends Up In Alternative Education?
Part 3 - The Multiple Paths To Knowing

The Case for Affirmative Action from One Who Has Been There
A letter entered into the Congressional Record
Dave Malcolm
San Diego, California

March for Dignity, Respect and Hope
(About Sunday, April 9, 2006)
Roberto Martinez
San Diego, California

Tenth Anniversary of Operation Gatekeeper
Ni Una Muerte Mas
Roberto Martinez
San Diego, California

Border Patrol raids strike fear and panic
in immigrant communities throughout Southern California
Roberto Martinez
San Diego, California

A Call for a Humane U.S. Immigration Policy
A critique of President G. W. Bush’s immigrant identification plan
Roberto L. Martinez
San Diego, California

Border operations / Migrant life / Organizing for human rights
Interview with Roberto Martinez (2001)
San Diego, California

U.S. Border Patrol in S. California developing deadly
but ineffective Operation Gatekeeper

418 men, women and children die in 4 years,
in California, crossing U.S. / Mexico border
Interview with Roberto Martinez (1999)
San Diego, California


Immigration and Human Rights on the U.S. / Mexico Border
Interview with Roberto Martinez (1997)
San Diego, California

Auturgy for Eudaimonia
... from privileged trenches ...
Melissa Faye

Speech Given on the 11th Anniversary of the War in Afghanistan
Cathy Mendonça
Committee Against Police Brutality
San Diego, California

Ocupemos el Barrio / Occupy the 'Hood

by Cathy Mendonça
San Diego, California

Ocupemos el Barrio / Occupy the 'Hood

por Cathy Mendonça
Traducido por G. Alvarez
San Diego, California

50 years after Brown:
Latinos paved way for historic school desegregation case
by Carlos Munoz Jr.
Berkeley, California

Andrew Nagem: A Community Sculptor
"Taking a piece of clay and transforming it into something beautiful"
Interview by Fred Salas
Las Cruces, New Mexico / San Diego, California

Interview with Johnny Nguyen
Taking Photos of Occupy:
Beautiful. Historic.

San Diego, California

Occupy: Beautiful. Historic.
Series of Photographs by Johnny Nguyen
(Series of 21)
San Diego and around the U.S.

Structural Racism And The Urban Geography of Education
by Pedro A. Noguera and Julio Angel Alicea

Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine November 21, 2020

It’s Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda
by Pedro Noguera Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine April 29, 2020

Making Difference Matter:
Teaching and Learning in Desegregated Classrooms
by Alexandra Freidus and Pedro A. Noguera
New York, New York and Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine July 29, 2019

Equity Through Mutual Accountability
Collective Capacity Building Helps Educators Address The Needs Of All Students
by Juaquin Noguera and Pedro A. Noguera
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine July 5, 2019

Developing Policies to Respond to the Challenges Confronting African American and Latino Males
by Pedro A. Noguera
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine April 1, 2018

Learning in the Trump Era
by Pedro A. Noguera
University of California, Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, California

Published in In Motion Magazine October 29, 2017

Writing for Their Lives in the Deeper Part of Hell
by Pedro A. Noguera
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine October 22, 2017

DACA: Immigration Has Always Been Good for America

by Pedro A. Noguera
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine October 1, 2017

Introduction to Racial Inequality and Education:
Patterns and Prospects for the Future

by Pedro A. Noguera, PhD
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine April 16, 2017

What It Takes
The Debate Over LA’s Charter Expansion Plan
Is An Opportunity To Devise Ways
To Ensure All Schools Succeed

by Pedro Noguera, PhD
Los Angeles, California

Charter Schools
"... encouraged to collaborate rather than compete
with traditional public schools"

by Pedro Noguera, PhD
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine March 25, 2016

“A Nation of Cowards:”
Education and the Perpetuation of Racism

Gilda L. Ochoa
Pomona, California

Enough Of These Crises!

From the Growing Discussion About Food
by Nic Paget-Clarke
San Diego, California

Struggling for Freedom of Expression /
Condemning Indefinite Detention

Occupy San Diego/SoCal
Series of 16 Photos, February 4, 2012
by Nic Paget-Clarke

San Diego, California

Department of Interior Judge
Withdraws Peabody's Coal-Mining Permit on Black Mesa
Reverses 11th Hour Bush Administration Decision
by Billy Parish
Black Mesa, Arizona

An Interview with Frank Partnoy
Deregulation, Derivatives, and Moral Hazard
San Diego, California

Published in In Motion Magazine December 15, 2013

De-nationalizing Trans-border Grassroots Organizing

La Otra Campaña Transfronteriza
by Sirena Pellarolo
Tempe, Arizona

Zapatista Women: A Revolutionary Process Within a Revolution
by Sirena Pellarolo
Los Angeles, California

End Dependence: el grito de rebeldía
by Sirena Pellarolo
Los Angeles, California

San Diego Celebrates May Day
With A Broad Coalition Of Unions And Community Organizations

Series of 12 Photos by Nic Paget-Clarke
San Diego, California
Published in In Motion Magazine - May 9, 2012

Quetzal Live
(6 photographs)
by Nic Paget-Clarke
El Sereno, California

Interview with Quetzal

Forging the sound of the New Millennium
Los Angeles, California
Interview by Chris Gonzalez Clarke

Interview with artist Jose Ramirez
Contemporary Latino life in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California

An Interview with Dr. Eleanora (Norrie) Robbins
Mapping Connections:
How to Take Care of the Earth
La Mesa, California

If There Was Ever A Time To Transform Schools, This Is It
by Miguel Casar Rodriguez
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine June 7, 2020

(four poems in one)
by Pablo Rodriguez
Modesto, California

Being Afghan, a Cultural Inquiry in the United States"
By Hossna Sadat, MA
San Diego, California

Japan’s Submission of IP (Intellectual Property) in the RCEP
"Protecting the Intellectual Property and Privatization Interests
of Big Ag Biotech Companies Like Monsanto, Cargill and Nestlé ..."

by Arnie Saiki
Los Angeles, California

Published in In Motion Magazine, February 23, 2015

The Pivot And The Island Rows

"... competing to lead the regional trade liberalization agenda."
by Arnie Saiki
Los Angeles, California
Published in In Motion Magazine December 11, 2012

Todos los muertos
A post-9/11 poem
by Abel Salas
Los Angeles, California

Booted Across the Border
Mexico Deports Three Americans for Alleged Subversion
by Michael Simmons
Los Angeles, California

Claiming Space: Involve the Alternative
Interview with Four of the Organizers of Sobreruedas en el Barrio: A Neighborhood Market
San Diego, California

People’s Freedom Caravan
Milestones of a Movement: Reflections & Experiences on the Journey to the U.S. Social Forum
PDF Download: 3.1 MB
Southwest Workers Union
San Antonio, Texas

Lao Zhoushan
(Old Zhoushan)
six poems & six photographs
by Leon Sun
Zhoushan, China and San Francisco, U.S.A.

On the DREAM Act:
An Open Letter to Latino and Latina students
and all leaders of immigrant rights organizations
by Fernando Suarez del Solar
San Diego, California
Published in In Motion Magazine August 22, 2007

The World Today
“… resist these attacks”
El Mundo Hoy
“… resistir a estos envates”
Fernando Suarez del Solar
San Diego, California

Community Helps Community
Selling Fruits And Vegetables at the Sobreruedas
Interview with Four Members of
Women Occupy San Diego

San Diego, California
Published in In Motion Magazine October 9, 2013

Leetso, the Powerful Yellow Monster
A Navajo Cultural Interpretation of Uranium Mining
by Esther Yazzie-Lewis and Jim Zion
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Review of Richard Kluger’s "Simple Justice"
(The history of Brown v. Board of Education)
by Yvette Zmaila
Las Vegas, Nevada

Icon art for all regions by Leon Sun.